1. Prize: So close, but distant by Anna Ziya Geerling
Awarded 1.200 euros.

Is the river a border of connection or of separation? Pictured is Reetta Tornensis – embraced by her own arms, her self-made Gákti, and the land so familiar to her, she feels simultaneously connected, but separated from home. The COVID-19 made the borders dividing Sápmi more concrete than ever before during her lifetime, as she is hindered from visiting her family by a line running through a continuous landscape and heritage. During Corona, we have been reminded how precious freedom and community are, and how important it is to have nature and the arts to soothe our solitude.
2. Prize: No people – just road and heaven by Bernt Nilsen
Awarded 800 euros.

It is very sad to see no people on this busy road from Kirkenes to Nikel. It used to be more than 100.000 people crossing the Storskog border station. Nowadays almost no one due to the corona pandemic. Very sad. But I find hope in the beautiful looks of the lights on the new bridge crossing the Pasvik border river between Norway and Russia. And I find hope in seeing that the North Star (Polaris) will always be there for us reminding us that the world will be back to normal soon. The picture is taken as a time exposure for 20 minutes showing the rotation of the planet Earth around the north-south axis making the North Star stand still in the sky.
3. Prize: Nature is always open by Amanda Sveed
We are always next to you by Kira Zyapaeva
Awarded 600 euros.

I am so thankful today that even though there is a pandemic going on right now, you can still enjoy nature and forget about everything else for a moment. This summer I met up with these two amazing friends that I got to know through social media and we explored this cool place very close to our hometown.

Volunteers will always help, wherever you are in self-isolation. During the pandemic, volunteers often made purchases and took them home to the elderly.
Social Media Prize: Winter sunrise by Maxim Strelkov